Performance Day

The Trick Shot Boys  have been practicing a performance since term one week eight. They practiced and planned for a long time. There were dress rehearsals and lots of practice sessions throughout term two.                                                                                                     
Max and Cody performed their fantastic football trick shot show on the tenth of June. They kicked their footy’s through the big sticks from impossible ranges and places on the football field. The audience were gobsmacked with the shots on goal. We asked Max (the performer) what were the bad things and challenging things of your magnificent fringe event? “The main challenge was that the weather was really on and off and that made the field very muddy. We knew we had to finish so we persisted through it. Another bad thing was that we did not turn the music up loud enough .” Max explained. What were the good things about your show? “The fantastic things about our event were that we got the audience engaged and that the workshop was fun for all of the students who rocked up.” said Cody. The Trick Shot Boys learnt a lot through their experience of making this performance but one thing that they learnt stood out to them and that was that they learnt how much effort goes into making a performance. Overall Cody and Max’s teacher were very impressed on how the way their fringe festival turned out.  



Woodend Fringe Festival

We had a wonderful day today. Our Fringe Festival was a hit! Scary, but a hit! Students nervously organised themselves, did last minute preparations, dressed up, displayed posters and were ready to welcome their audiences. Our frequently practised performances and workshops were well received. Our students revelled in their skills and delighted in their worships. Don and I are very proud of them. More photos to follow.



In class yesterday we watched a clip showing how to identify a rip. Students were asked to create a diagram showing what they had learnt. Those diagrams were shared and discussed with suggestions made on how they could be improved. Diagrams posted show our 4th effort. The improvement was impressive. As students refine this skill they will be able to create their own sketches to show meaning as well as interpret a sketch created by others. They did a great job.

Assembly Success

Whelan’s Wonders and Cullen’s Awesome 8s did a fabulous job presenting the schools first assembly. Excitement has been building over the last few weeks as rehearsals hit full production. Our students spoke loudly and confidently. The dancing was colourful and enthusiastic. We produced a welcome to Woodend video highlighting ways that our school supports students learning. The video will be shared soon once further editing has occurred. We finished with a Rose Ceremony that welcomed new people to our school. This was accompanied by three guitarists as the roses that we had made were presented. Great work.

Lets Settle This!


Our topic in science is “Wetlands”. Part of this topic is examining the way that wetlands create change in our physical environment. This science experiment has been designed to develop skills in observation using specialised language. These photos ares showing my students and Dons at work with their first experiment on sedimentation.