Fringe event


The day had finally come.It was Friday week 6. I saw Olivia and Allora standing at the door checking all the tickets.As soon as the class was filling up with students, I started to get nervous. We have been practicing since early term 1 so I was feeling confident. The music started to play. It was time. Our performance was going great so far until Emily did the splits, Olivia fell over Emily legs. It was so embarrassing. Then it was time for the flips. When Olivia and I started to flip Ella she didn’t really land on her feet.

There were lots of challenges throughout our performance. Sadly two students from our group were not going to be there on the day. We had to start our dance/gymnastics performance all over again. On the day it all worked out. There were many positive things about our performance. One was that the audience listened well and we had fun doing our performance and workshop.

For our second session our performance went much better .We didn’t drop anyone but Mr.Z made us redo our dance three times. Overall I learned that performing for someone else is harder then it seems. Our performance was a gymnastics/dance routine and for the workshop we taught the audience some tricks. In my group there was Emily, Ella and Olivia . We were called “OSEAEL” gymnastics. We chose that name because it’s the start letter of all our names.

As the day came to an end. I was relieved that it was better than I thought it would be.

This is my group "OSEAEL " ready to perform

This is my group “OSEAEL ” ready to perform

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